Eric Marcelo

Full Stack Software Engineer

About Me

I am a Full Stack Software Engineer with experience creating full stack web applications with Angular, Java, Spring, Apache, SQL, Jenkins, and Amazon Web Services. I love working with technology and I am always learning something new. I have a B.S. in Computer Science from the University of California, Riverside and an Oracle Certified Professional Java Programmer II certification. I have experience working with customers, users, technical teams, and stakeholders to resolve everything from service requests to critical production issues. Below, are some sample projects that I have completed to showcase my skills. Please, feel free to contact me. My information is located down below along with my personal links.




MFLIX is MongoDB University's Movie project targeted towards intermediate level developers. I was able to use my development skills to query, insert, update and delete documents from the MongoDB cloud database. I passed the required unit tests in order to complete the application and pass this course.

Technology Stack

Spring Pet Clinic


I completed Spring Framework 5: Beginner to Guru which includes springframeworkguru's Spring Pet Clinic application and several additional applications. The course teaches every thing from creatig a Spring Boot Application to building a Restful Web Service. In this application, I use an embedded h2 database to store the data for the application and I am displaying the web pages with thymeleaf templates.

Technology Stack

Taco Cloud


Taco Cloud is a web application where customers can order tacos from the cloud. It allows them to select from available ingredients, design custom tacos, and have them delivered from the cloud! I built this project from the book, Spring In Action: Fifth Edition, where I use the Spring framework to create a cloud application, secure the application with Spring Security, spice the code up with project lombok, setup a Eureka cloud service registry, and deploy application replicas.

Technology Stack

OfferUp Clone


OfferUp Clone is my team at UCR's Software Engineering Senior Design project. This simple clone allows users to sign up, post items for sale with images, as well as allow buyers and sellers to communicate via private in-app messaging.

Technology Stack




Professional Memberships

What I'm Studying:

  • Java LTS
  • C/C++
  • C#
  • Python 3.x
  • SQL
  • NoSQL (MongoDB)
  • GoLang go1.x
  • Gnu/Linux
  • Bash
  • Cloud Technologies
  • Full Stack Development
  • Spring Framework
  • JUnit
  • Selenium
  • .NET Core
  • Cloud Native Development
  • Docker
  • Kubernetes
  • DevSecOps
  • Site Reliability Engineering